Okay, we’re about to share a long list of signs that could indicate that you have a computer virus.  But before we do…  have you ever started reading about symptoms of a sickness or disease, and the more you read, the more symptoms you notice that you have?  Well, just like it’s best not to self-diagnose an illness, it’s best to let professionals (like US!) figure out what the real problem is, and how to fix it.  But if you’re wondering whether you may be infected by a computer virus, read on…

Symptoms Of Computer Viruses

Computer runs slowly.  This can be caused by both hardware and software issues, but is often the most noticeable sign of a virus.  (If you haven’t read our article on the types of computer viruses, you may want to check that out, too!)  Viruses, worms, and Trojans consume resources on your computer, slowing down other tasks.  At the same time, your hard disk may need defragmenting, or your computer may need more RAM.

Messages pop up.  Dialog boxes, either from programs you have installed, or completely unrecognizable, may start to appear, especially when you open a browser or a website.  You may be taken to a website other than the one you requested.  You might even see a message that your computer is infected and needs attention – which is in fact being generated by the virus itself!

Applications run strangely.  Progams may launch on their own, or quit unexpectedly.  Your Start menu may not open, or you may not be able to right-click, or your security software stops running.

Hard drive spins constantly.  The indicator light on your computer may be constantly flickering as the drive is working, or your modem may indicate that there is nonstop Internet traffic.  You might find that your bandwidth is severely limited.

Advertisements pop up.  With pop-up blocking is pretty standard in most browsers these days, you might start to see advertisements when visiting websites.  If they start appearing when your browser isn’t even open, that’s a big clue.

Messages sent by “you”.  Your friends may start receiving email messages from you, or your social media accounts may have messages, which you haven’t written.  This is one of the favorite ways for malware to spread.

Everything seems normal.  You may not see any symptoms at all, but if you haven’t installed a quality anti-virus product, you may very well be infected – and infecting others!

You probably came to this page because you suspected that you might have a computer virus, and your suspcicions have probably been confirmed.  For the best virus removal in Ames, it’s time to give us a call or fill out our Contact Us form.  Let’s make sure this doesn’t happen again any time soon!